A different kind of hair brush, made from bamboo

We brought BroBrush's Bamboo Hair Brush to life, delivering a premium unboxing experience.

Our client was working with a freelance industrial designer on a set of bamboo antimicrobial hair brushes when they hit a roadblock: how to take their design into production?

A client needed to bridge the gap between concept development and manufacturing. Starting with a 3D concept and a set of design goals, we designed the packaging, created functional prototypes, and managed manufacturing in China. We worked closely with factories in China to build prototypes and optimize the design for manufacturing. A key challenge was sourcing an anti-microbial coating that could be blended into the paint. This required multiple prototype iterations to fine-tune the process with the manufacturer. The client appreciated our eye for detail and our ability to manage this sourcing stage of communicating key engineering details with factories. Getting this process right is crucial to ensuring that the end product matches the original design intent.

Notable Product Features

Setup box packaging design

Anti-microbial coating

Bamboo wood design

We designed a premium feeling rigid set-up box with high quality spot UV printing. It features a custom designed thermoformed insert that cradles the product for shipping, and provides dramatic reveal when the customer unboxes the hairbrush.

Color, Material, Finish (CMF)

Enhancing the appeal and longevity of your product with the right blend of color, materials, and finishes.

Packaging Design

Creating packaging that tells your product’s story, ensuring a memorable first impression.

Manufacturing in China

Leveraging cost-effective and quality manufacturing solutions in China.

Product Design

Tailoring aesthetics and functionality to embody your vision, delivering products that not only serve their purpose but resonate with your audience.

Ergonomics/Human Factors Analysis

Ensuring a harmonious interaction between your product and its users by analyzing and optimizing for comfort and usability.

A revolutionary, affordable, pro-level training aid for golfers