Helping athletes train to be more aware of their surroundings

Modular eyewear to help players build field awareness, reaction speed, and depth perception to improve results in the game.

A pair of modular eyewear to train players to focus on different areas of their vision - to develop peripheral vision, reaction speed, dynamic acuity (i.e. ball tracking), and depth perception.

When playing most sports, players rely heavily on their vision. Players often hear phrases including “Here!”, “Look behind you.“, and “Follow the pass.”. A common mistake players make is focusing too much on what’s in front of them and failing to to notice their surroundings, leading to missed opportunities to score and pass. WTI's work included a magnetic lens attachment balancing stability during intense sports training movements with aesthetics. Custom accessories to secure the goggles using a headband. Bespoke 3D surfacing to increase user comfort while prioritizing product styling and performance. Versatile lens attachment that allows endlessly innovating new eyewear accessories using the same goggles as the platform. E.g. the nosecard holder, pinhole lens for vision acuity training.

Notable Product Features


Protective Packaging

Quick-change training lenses

We took the project from idea to manufacturing, selecting a durable Nylon-based material that can stand up to on-field abuse.

Color, Material, Finish (CMF)

Enhancing the appeal and longevity of your product with the right blend of color, materials, and finishes.

Engineering Prototypes

Building functional prototypes to test, refine, and validate your design against real-world conditions.

Ergonomics/Human Factors Analysis

Ensuring a harmonious interaction between your product and its users by analyzing and optimizing for comfort and usability.

Product Design

Tailoring aesthetics and functionality to embody your vision, delivering products that not only serve their purpose but resonate with your audience.